Welcome to the Badri Maskey's Official Website

Welcome to the official website of Badri Bahadur Maskey, a retired Senior Health Technician, dedicated social worker, and respected community leader. With a career spanning over six decades in both government and non-government sectors, Mr. Maskey has made significant contributions to public health, education, and community development in Nepal.

badri maskey hero image
medical image

My Main Focus: Health Care

Health has always been the foundation of my life’s work. I have dedicated over 50 years to improving health services and accessibility, working tirelessly at Gorkha Hospital, Health Center, Private Polyclinic, and within the local community. My commitment to this cause has not gone unnoticed, as I have been honored with numerous appreciations and recognitions from the community over the years. This journey has been both challenging and rewarding, and I remain committed to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of those around me. Scholarship 

Recognition Certification

Daraudi Drinking Water Project

One of my most notable contributions is in the realm of community infrastructure, particularly in drinking water projects. I am proud to be the Founder President of the expansive Daraundi Gorkha Drinking Water Project, which involved huge lift systems. Additionally, I spearheaded another Prithvinarayan Small Town major drinking water project with three lift systems. These projects have been crucial in providing clean and reliable water sources to the local population, greatly improving their quality of life.

Recognition Certification

Contributions to Education

Beyond health, my contributions to the education sector have been significant. I have played a pivotal role in several educational institutions, ensuring that quality education is accessible to many. I am a founding member of the Drabyashah Multiple Campus, an institution that has become a cornerstone of higher education in our area. Additionally, I served as the long-term President of the Old Capital Education Institute (P) Ltd., where I guided the institute towards achieving its educational goals. My involvement in the Public Health School (CMA Campus) as the founder director is another testament to my commitment to education, particularly in the field of health sciences.

Recognition Certification

Extensive Social Work

In Gorkha, I have undertaken more social work than many local representatives. My efforts have spanned various sectors, including health, education, and community development. My initiatives have consistently aimed at uplifting the community and providing sustainable solutions to long-standing issues.

For a more detailed account of my life and contributions, you can refer to my biography, which provides an in-depth look at my journey and achievements. Please feel free to visit the link to my book for more information.

Associated With

Throughout my career, I have been privileged to be associated with a diverse range of organizations and institutions, each contributing uniquely to my professional and personal journey. My affiliations include key roles in government and non-governmental services, leadership positions in Lions Clubs, and active participation in various local and international institutions.

Badri Maskey home section image

Contributed to public health monitoring and control efforts in Nepal.

I continue to be involved in community development projects, serving as an advisor to several organizations, including the Integrated Development Center and the Gorkha Garden Hotel. My work in these areas aims to foster sustainable development and improve local infrastructure and services.

You can contact me direct to discuss more about me and your project as well

My Contributions When I was in the Service

  • Contributions to Government Services

Enhancing Public Health

Throughout my tenure in various government roles, I contributed to significant improvements in public health systems. As a Surveillance Supervisor and Malaria Inspector,

Advancing Healthcare Delivery

As a Senior Health Technician, I was integral in advancing healthcare services, improving medical practices, and ensuring the effective delivery.

  • Contributions to Non-Governmental Initiatives

Educational Leadership

My role as Head Teacher at Oyak Primary School and as Director of the Gorkha Health Science Academy allowed me to shape educational practices and contribute to the development of future professionals.

Medical Practice and Community Health

With over four decades of experience in general medicine, my private clinic served as a crucial resource for healthcare, providing essential medical services to the local community.

  • Contributions to Lions Clubs International

Leadership in Community Service

My extensive service with Lions Clubs International included roles as District Chairman, Zone Chairman, and President. I led numerous initiatives focused on environmental conservation, disaster relief, and community development.

Strategic Project Management

As a District Chairman and advisor, I managed and supported various projects aimed at improving public health, education, and infrastructure, significantly impacting local communities.

  • Contributions to Institutional Development

Founding Educational Institutions

As a founder and executive committee member of Drabye Shah Multi Campus and other educational institutions, I contributed to the establishment and growth of crucial educational facilities, supporting local learning and development.

Advancing Community Welfare

My involvement in institutions like the Nepal Red Cross Society and Gorkha Technical School helped drive community welfare programs, disaster relief efforts, and technical education.

  • Contributions to Community and Development Projects

Strategic Guidance and Leadership

Serving as an advisor for organizations like the Integrated Development Center and Gorkha Garden Hotel Pvt. Ltd., I provided strategic guidance to support sustainable development and enhance local infrastructure.

Improving Local Infrastructure

Through roles with the Small Town DW Federation Nepal and other community projects, I contributed to improving water and sanitation facilities, fostering better living conditions for residents.

Have Look some kinds words From my friend and co-workers

Explore some good hearst epress their feelings toward me , I am always thankful to them.

कार्यक्रम निकै प्रभावकारी थियो, दाई । विशेष गरि लोकार्पणका लागि सत्य मोहन जोशी ज्यूलाई रोज्नु भएर कार्यक्रमको गरिमा बढेको मैले महशुस गरें । मलाई बोल्न राख्नु भएको अग्रीम जानाकारी भएको भए तपाईको बारेमा केहि विस्तृत कुरा बोल्ने थिएँ । बोल्दा केहि गल्ती भएको भए माफ गर्नुहोला । पुस्तक पढ्दैछु ।

श्री किरण बाबु श्रेष्ठ

श्री किरण बाबु श्रेष्ठ

कार्यक्रम राम्रो थियो । प्रमुख अतिथिको मन्तव्य धेरै राम्रो लाग्यो । उनको मन्तव्यले तपार्यको किताबमा लेखिएको ःबवयच त्यउष्अक का बारे समेत जानाकारी भयो । सरम्स्मा कार्यक्रम राम्रो थियो ।

श्री बसन्त मरहट्टा

श्री बसन्त मरहट्टा

“बद्री दाई” लोकार्पण कार्यक्रमको प्रमुख अतिथि सत्यमोहन जोशी जो आफैमा ईतीहाँस पुरुष हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँको वरद बाहुलीवाट पुस्तकको लोकार्पण आफैमा विसिष्ट छ । उहाँले मन्तव्यमा राजनिति, यात्रा गाथा र यस भित्र अन्तरनिहित अन्तरमन सम्म पुग्ने विषयको चर्चा अर्थपुणर् छ । जिवनीसंग भन्दा पनि विशेष गद्य साहित्य ति विषयहरुले किटान गर्न खोजेको कुरा सुक्ष्मतम विवेचना मलाई अब्बल लाग्यो ।

भुमी देबकोटा

भुमी देबकोटा

प्रतिष्ठीत समाज सेवी, धेरैका प्रेरणाका श्रोत, सकारात्मक सोंचका धनी, आदरणीय बद्री दाईलाई हार्दीक बधाई तथा शुभकामना । पक्कै पनि यो पुस्तकले धेरै मानिसको जिवनमा सकारात्मक उर्जा थप्ने छ ।

Er. Ratna Lamichhane

Er. Ratna Lamichhane

Ramro. satya mohan sir ko comment tathya purna chha.uhanle pustak
padhnu bhayeko rahechha maile padhna payeko chhaina pachhi

स्व. श्री गणेशमान श्रेष्ठ

स्व. श्री गणेशमान श्रेष्ठ

सत्य मोहन जोशीको प्रस्तुती र प्रोत्साहन ज्यादै माथिल्लो स्तरको आदरणीय पाईयो । बद्री दाईले आफ्नी श्रीमती र परिवारको योगदानलाई बक्तव्यमा राख्न सकेको भए राम्रो हुने थियो । “बद्री दाइ” किताब विमोचन कार्य फुलको थुप्रोवाट झिकेर गरेको अति उत्तम थियो । फेसबुक लाईभ कट ज्यादै राम्रो थियो ।

श्री शिव प्रसाद अर्याल

श्री शिव प्रसाद अर्याल

साना देखि ठुला सम्म सबैको मनमा भिजेर स्वास्थ्य सेवा, समाज सेवा, र पानी सेवा जस्ता महत्वपुणर् कार्यक्रमहरु सफल पार्दै यात्रा गरिरहने पश्चिम नेपाल गोरखाका यात्रु श्री बद्री बहादुर मास्केको यात्रा गाथा, व्यथाको संगालो “बद्री दाई” विधिवत रुपमा पस्कीयको कार्यक्रम (लोकार्पण) मा सहभागी भएर अलिकती भएपनि अशल जिवन कसरि व्यतित गर्ने भन्ने वारेमा ज्ञान हाँशील गरियो ।

IT Er. Dr. Sunil Maskey (Dolakha)

IT Er. Dr. Sunil Maskey (Dolakha)

यो आजको सौहार्दपुणर् र विशिष्ठ लाग्ने सभामा सहभागी बन्न निमन्त्रणा गर्नु भएर सहभागी बन्ने मौका दिनु भएकोमा अति हार्षीत छु । मेरा एक मित्र यसरि सबैको हृदयमा सम्मानपुणर् स्थान ओगट्न पुगेकोमा सेवाले मेवा अवश्य पाईन्छ भन्ने प्रत्यक्ष शिध्द हुनआएको छ । उहाँ बद्री जिलाई धेरै धेरै बधाई छ ।

स्व. श्री चित्ररत्न शाक्य (आरुघाट)

स्व. श्री चित्ररत्न शाक्य (आरुघाट)

सानाठुला सबैको बद्री दाई (मास्के) राजा त्रिभुवनको यूगमा यस धर्तीमा पदार्पण गर्नुभएको बद्री मास्के, मास्के कुलको एउटा जल्दोबल्दौ व्यक्तित्व हुनुहुन्छ । गोरखा पाटीचौरमा चिसो र कडा पानी खाएर हुर्केका उहाँ त्यहिकै पानीको जस्तै स्वभाव राख्नु हुन्छ । मनमा र पेटमा कतिपाप नराख्ने खस्रो र कडा अभिव्यक्ति दिन कत्ति नहच्कने उहाँको स्वभाव हो ।

विश्व मल्ल

विश्व मल्ल

आफ्नो जिवनका हरेक पाटाहरुलाई छाँटकाँट नगरि जस्ताको त्यस्तै प्रस्तुत होस् भन्ने बद्री दाईको चाहाना रहेछ । सोहि अनुरुप देस विदेसमा रहने उनका समकालीन व्यक्तित्वहरु संग समेत सोधखोज गरि यथेष्ठ सामग्री पुस्तकमा समावेश गरिएको देखिन्छ । अचम्मको कुरात उनि राजनितिमा प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा कहिल्यै लागेनन् ।

श्री रोहिणि घिमिरे

श्री रोहिणि घिमिरे

Congratulation Dai! I could not attend due to my prescheduled

Pro. Dr. Lekhnath Sharma

Pro. Dr. Lekhnath Sharma

Badri ji, congratulations for the very special yesterday’s program
with grand success.

Prof. Dr. Santosh Man Maskey

Prof. Dr. Santosh Man Maskey

तपाईको जिवनी किताब मैले पढें । यसमा बाल्यकाल देखि धेरैकुरा समेटीयको रहेछ । म पनि ६ कक्षा सम्मत चन्दा श्रेष्ठहरु संग गोरखामा पढेको थिएँ । शक्ति स्कुलको भवन निर्माणका लागि काठ बोकेको कुरा छुटाउनु भएछ । रत्न कुमारको घरमा जुवा खेलेको भन्ने कुरामा तिहार भन्ने शब्द छुटेछ, ।

श्री जिवन प्रेम श्रेष्ठ

श्री जिवन प्रेम श्रेष्ठ

Here are some KeyPoints To know me better

With over 50 years of extensive experience across various sectors, Badri Bahadur Maskey has dedicated his career to improving public health, advancing education, and fostering community development.

  • Awards :

    • Janapad Sewa Padak
    • Disaster Relief Service Medal
    • Education Service Medal
  • Recognized with:

    • Leo Club Extension Award
    • Ambassador for Peace, IIFWP and FFWPU
  • Overall Experience:

    Combining these periods, Badri Bahadur Maskey has over 50 years of experience in government service, non-governmental work, community service, and institutional development.

  • My books

    • Kulma Bangsawali (2077 BS)
    • Badri Dai Jeewani (2021 AD)
    • Rudra Kumari’s Aatma Britanta (2077 BS)
  • Government & Non-Governmental Involvement:

    • 1963 (few months): Head Teacher
    • 1974–2016: General Medicine Practice (42 years)
    • 1996–2002: Software Supervisor and Director, Gorkha Health Science Academy (6 years)
  • Lions Clubs International:

    1984–2024: Over 40 years in various leadership roles

    Institutional Contributions:

    • 1974–2023: Over 49 years in various institutional roles and development projects
  • Specific Projects:

    • Drabye Shah Multi Campus: Founding and executive involvement.
    • Gorkha Hospital Development Committee: Presidency and other roles.
    • Small Town DW Federation Nepal: Advisor and project leader.
    • Gorkha Garden Hotel Pvt. Ltd.: Vice-president and advisor roles.

Get in Touch Contact me

I am always happy to connect with people, whether it’s for professional inquiries, collaborations, or just to share experiences and ideas.

Book an appointment